Horse being walked by trainer
Horse being walked by trainer
Got A Question?

We’ve got you covered.


Tickets & Booking

Do you offer a group discount?
Do you save money if you book in advance?
Can I purchase extra tickets on the day?
When will I receive my tickets?
Do I need to print my tickets?
Can I transfer / refund my tickets or packages?
Can I transfer between Enclosures?
What enclosure should I choose?
How do I redeem a Gift Voucher?
How do I use/sign up for Rewards for Racing? 
Can Children come racing?
Do you offer concessions for students and 60+?


What time do gates open?
What time is the last race and when will the racecourse close?

Travel & Entry

What do I need to wear?
How do I get to the racecourse?
Can I arrive by coach?

Food & Drink

What bars and food concessions will be open?
Can I bring a picnic?
Can I bring alcohol into the racecourse? 
Are barbecues allowed?


How accessible is your racecourse?
What do you offer personal assistants?
Do you offer wheelchair viewing?
Do you have baby changing facilities?

Betting & Payments

Where can I place a bet on course?
Do bookmakers accept cash?
Do you have cash machines?
What payment method do you accept? 
Where can I buy a race card?


Is there seating available?
Can I bring a chair?
How do I download and use the ARC APP?
Can I smoke and where?
Where is best to stay overnight?
Does the weather affect the racing?


Can I bring a dog? 


Can I take photographs?

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